We have experience in doing a survey for a pharmaceutical association. The survey involved making purchases of 3 pharmaceutical products for 18 different pharmaceutical companies at 7 major pharmaceutical centers in Jakarta. The results showed whether certain products were counterfeit, parallel import or original. The study helped the association focus on the flow of counterfeit and parallel import products into the market. This resulted in campaign to make consumers aware about the dangers of counterfeit medicine and the step pharmaceutical companies do to protect consumers.
We also helped one of the largest pharmaceuticals in the world to register and defend their trademarks. Surveys and investigations were required to find counterfeits. Enforcement action were effective to clean up the market. A prosecution resulted in deterring other counterfeiters to sell similar products.
We have experience in registering and enforcement of intellectual property owned by automotive and motorcycle companies. These are German, Japanese and English brands. Our experience includes conducting investigation of infringement of industrial designs and trademarks. The enforcement included conduction raid actions against target companies that had infringed the designs of clients. Other targets were selling counterfeit products across Indonesia.
We have experience in the protection of high-end luxury goods. This includes French and Italian brands with products ranging from watches, leather goods, perfumes, haute couture, high end writing instruments and other high end luxury products. The protection includes registration of trademarks and industrial designs and its enforcement against counterfeits in the market. This would include an enforcement action by the Police, seizure and destruction of goods and the undertaking to destroy the goods together with a public apology and a settlement.
On the litigation side, we helped several clients cancel a trademark that was being pirated by a local user in civil court.
We have experience in registering tobacco products. Investigating and preparing enforcement against counterfeit products. The end result was the seizure by customs of several containers of counterfeit tobacco products. The products were eventually destroyed and a public apology was made in a national newspaper.
We helped manage the portfolio of a consumer goods company. The companies portfolio included over 350 trademarks across different class of goods and services. This included food and beverages, canned beverages, ice cream, soaps, detergents, toiletries and other goods and services.
The portfolio required contentious and non-contentious action items. This included enforcement of rights in the form of litigation and enforcement action. It required attention in the forms of protection of trademarks, industrial design of the packaging, patents of the technology and advice on copyright against infringers.
We have assisted one of the leading dental product companies to enforce their rights due to other party using identical or deceptively similar trademarks of our clients to those already in use in the market which is likely to be an infringement of clients' rights. We also advised on the litigation strategies which include compensatory damages, an account of profits, injunctions, and court orders for delivery up and destruction of infringing goods.
We helped two of the largest Oil and Gas companies in the world register and enforce their IP rights. The companies were facing counterfeits in their lubricants in major cities. Investigations were conducted to find the source and warning letter and enforcement actions were taken. The investigation uncovered the large network of counterfeit supply chain across several provinces. This helped the clients educate the consumers on where to buy original products and take enforcement action.
In other parts of Indonesia, litigation was used to stop the infringing activities.
We have experience representing clients who need changes in the copyright law in relation to software. As a result, the current Indonesian copyright law will be revised by the end of the year.
We have also helped lobby changes to the regulations regarding cloud computing. This is important for both foreign and local clients since the hosting of cloud services should give users the freedom of where the server is located. The governments view that it should be on shore, in Indonesia was bridged by a co-hosting requirement in country.
We can conduct enforcement actions on behalf of clients against retail and corporate end users infringing software. A production facility that was producing counterfeit DVD and Software was shut down as a result with the machinery seized worth USD 15 million.
A further regulation on land lord liability will be in place as a result of efforts to revise the copyright law.